Your Questions Answered

  • A travel coach works one-on-one with you to give you guidance and mentorship that will empower you to take travel into your own hands. We make your trip entirely about YOU, not just about the destination—curating the planning process to respond to your distinct intentions and goals behind your desire to travel. Furthermore, we work closely with you to instill the knowledge and mindset that will make travel more attainable for you—turning it from a daydream into a lifestyle.

    A coach is meant to be your personal cheerleader who shows you that you are capable of making your own dreams come to life. We are there every single step of the way, not doing every thing for you but rather showing you that everything you need already exists within you.

  • I am not a licensed travel agent or a salesperson, therefore I cannot make travel or accomodation bookings on your behalf. I can, however, work closely with you to research and narrow down the best options for you. I will show you some of the tips and tricks that I have learned to make the process easier and more affordable and I am happy to provide assistance in the reservation process. Learning how to navigate the booking process is a fantastic skill that will not only save you time and money in the future, but also make you more confident in dealing with any unexpected changes that may come your way during your travels.

  • I will work tirelessly not only to make your travel dreams come to fruition, but also to improve your overall travel literacy—meaning, you will learn a comprehensive approach to travel that not only improves your knowledge on the technical side (researching, booking, itinerary creation), but also on the cultural side (language, customs, history, food, etc). These are skills that will radically transform the way that you travel and enrich your experience in new places from multiple perspectives—this could look like cultivating a connection with locals/fellow travellers, awareness of cultural differences, understanding of your place in the world, exposure to sustainable and ethical vs inethical travel practices, and much more.

    From a personal perspective, we will dive into the reasons that have kept you from traveling (fear, insecurity, guilt, work, budget, etc) and then work closely together to move past these limiting beliefs so that you can actualize your travel dreams. From there, I will help you to curate the trip of a lifetime—whether that be a short vacation or a long stay abroad, I will provide guidance every step of the way. This could be from deciding on the ideal destination(s) to breaking down the itinerary that best suits your needs (this could be selecting cities within your destination, drawing up the best route, activity planning, hunting down places for the best food, etc). I’ll share the knowledge that I have attained over the years to avoid common scams, bad tourist traps, and any other cultural tips I can provide depending on the destination.

    Overall, it is my objective that you leave our coaching sessions and not only have a transformational travel experience, but also feeling empowered with the skills and confidence to take control of your travel story.

  • My sessions are hyperpersonalized to each client’s unique situation and needs. All sessions are based on a growth mindset, meaning I will not be making decisions for you but rather helping you take your travel story into your own hands. Along the way you will learn about your personal limitations in regards to travel and how to overcome them. Together we will decide on the most important areas to work together on during our time together. This can be, but is not limited to:

    —Limited beliefs, fears, apprehension towards travel

    —Budget and finance concerns

    —Transportation and accomodation

    —Work/life balance

    —Mindset in travel preparation process

    —Ideal destinations, activities

    —Safety concerns

    —Language and cultural customs

    —Living, studying, working abroad

    ….and the list goes on!

    Whatever it is that you need help with regarding your travel plans or desires, I am here to support you. I have experienced all of these emotions and my identity as a traveler has shifted many times over the years, therefore I am ready to help you with wherever you are at in your process.